E-mail: Clin27@jhu.edu
Christina Lin is a Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at SAIS-Johns Hopkins University, focusing on China-Mediterranean and NATO relations. She was a Visiting Academic Fellow at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlin and a former Transatlantic Academy Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Dr. Lin has extensive US government experience working on China security issues, including policy planning at the US Department of Defense, the National Security Council, and US Department of State.
Her foreign policy portfolio includes defense planning; transatlantic cooperation with China on non-traditional security issues; and regional security architecture such as OSCE and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Prior to entering government service, she worked in the private sector at Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs in London.
A widely published analyst in Germany, Israel and the U.S., Dr. Lin has been a key author of the annual China file for Jane’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Intelligence Centre at IHS Jane’s, and her papers have been cited in publications such as the Korea Herald, Asia Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, CNN, Al Jazeera, Gulf News, Hurriyet Daily and Jerusalem Post.
Selected publications:
- “The Repercussions of Turkey-China Relations on its Transatlantic Relations” in Turkey and Transatlantic Relations, Sasha Toperich & Aylin Unver Noi, eds., Center for Transatlantic Relations/Brookings Institution, November 28, 2017.
- “The ISIS Challenge to China’s Silk Road and Prospects for Counter-Terrorism Cooperation”, Liberty University Law Review, Vol. 11, Issue 2 ( 2016).
- “China and the New Middle East Security Arc”, Food for Thought, NATO Defense College Foundation, December 2016.
- “China’s Emerging Role as a Security Provider in the Middle East–The EU’s Response” in EU-China Observer, Issue #2.16, College of Europe, July 2016.
- “China’s Pivot West: Opportunities for Cooperative Security” in Alexander Moens and Brooke A. Smith-Windsor eds. NATO and Asia Pacific, Forum Paper 25, NATO Defense College, March 2016.
- “China Drops Anchor in Mediterranean Ports“, Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) Blogpost, May 25, 2016.
- “The Mideast: a laboratory for US-EU maritime cooperation with China?” MERICS Blogpost, April 14, 2016.
- “The New Eurasian Embrace”in Niv Horesh ed, Toward Well-Oiled Relations? China’s Presence in the Middle East Following the Arab Spring (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).
- “The Dragon’s Rise in the Great Sea: China’s Interests in the Levant and the Eastern Mediterranean” in Spyridon N. Litsas and Aristotle Tziampiris eds, The Eastern Mediterranean in Transition: Multipolarity, Politics and Power (Routledge, 2015).
- “Israel, China and US/NATO–Counter-Terrorism as War Crimes?”, Denkwürdigkeiten, Journal der Politisch-Militärischen Gesellschaft e.V., Nr. 93 Oktober 2014.
- Liberal Order in a Post Western World, 2013-2014 Transatlantic Academy Collaborative Report, by Trine Flockhart, Charles Kupchan, Christina Lin, Bartlomiej Nowak, Patrick Quirk, Lanxin Xiang, April 2014.