Francesco Martini is a non-resident fellow of the Center for Transatlantic Relations (CTR), at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C. Prior to that, he was a visiting research associate at the Center from September 2011 to August 2012.

In May 2013 he earned a Ph.D. in International Studies at the University of Salento (Apulia, Italy), with a dissertation on the relationship between religion and politics in the United States. More specifically, he studied the perspective of Catholic neoconservatives, especially their views with regard to war, Jihadist terrorism, Europe and transatlantic relations. His fields of expertise and interest include religious history of the United States and political systems, parties and elections in both Europe and the United States.

He holds a Master’s Degree (laurea magistrale) in International Politics and Diplomacy and a Bachelor’s Degree (laurea triennale) in Political Sciences and International Relations (International History and Politics), both earned with distinction (cum laude) from the University of Padua. He is currently a teaching assistant (cultore della materia) in the Department of Political, Legal and International Studies at the same university.

Since May 2013 he has been working for the Government of Veneto Region in Venice (Veneto, Italy), previously in the Office of the Diplomatic Counselor to the President of Veneto and currently in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the President. Since January 2011 he has been a research associate of the Faith and Reason Institute (FRI), in Washington, D.C.  Between 2007 and 2008 he was an intern in the Economic, Commercial and Scientific Office of the Italian Embassy to the United States, in Washington, D.C.

Francesco Martini is a native of Padua (Veneto, Italy). He is a longtime member and scout leader of the Association of Italian Catholic Scouts and Guides (AGESCI). In 2012 he was awarded the Wood Badge by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

Recent publications:

  • “I cattolici nella storia politica americana” [translation: “Catholics in American political history”], Studia Patavina, forthcoming issue
  • “Il movimento populista di fine Ottocento negli Stati Uniti e la sua perdurante influenza sulla politica americana” [translation: “The United States populist movement of late 19th Century and its enduring influence on American politics”], Eunomia, forthcoming issue
  • Editor (with Flavio Felice) and translator of Arthur Brooks, La via della libertà. Come vincere la battaglia per la libera iniziativa (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2013), forthcoming book [original: Arthur Brooks, The Road to Freedom. How to Win the Fight for Free Enterprise (New York: Basic Books, 2012)]
  • “Governance e rappresentanza: spunti per una nuova politica territoriale” [translation: “Governance and representation: ideas for a new territorial politics”], in Be city smart! Scenari & progetti per un’urbanità 2.0, eds. Stefanos Antoniadis et al. (Padova: Overview, 2013), 33–36
  • “Ritorno al Vangelo: la sfida dei Catholic neocons” [translation: “Return to the Gospel: the challenge of Catholic neocons”], Limes, April 12, 2013,
  • “L’evoluzione del concetto di liberalismo nel linguaggio politico americano del XX secolo” [translation: “The evolution of the concept of liberalism in American political speech through the 20th Century”], Eunomia 2 (2012): 151–170
  • “Libere elezioni in libera Tunisia” [translation: “Free elections in free Tunisia”], Limes 1 (2012): 243–246
  • October 2011 Tunisian Elections: An Assessment of Results on a Geographical Basis, Center for Transatlantic Relations, December 2011,

Academic dissertations:

  • Ph.D. dissertation (2013): “Conservatorismo e religione negli Stati Uniti. La politica estera dei neoconservatori cattolici” [translation: “Conservatism and religion in the United States: the foreign policy of Catholic neoconservatives”]
  • M.A. dissertation (2008): “L’europeizzazione della politica americana e l’americanizzazione della politica europea” [translation: “The Europeanization of American politics and the Americanization of European politics”]
  • B.A. dissertation (2005): “Il movimento populista negli Stati Uniti. Dal radicalismo agrario al terzo partito” [translation: “The populist movement in the United States: from agrarian radicalism to the third party”]

Selected academic papers:

  • “Henry Kissinger a Pechino. L’inizio del riavvicinamento sino-americano” [translation: “Henry Kissinger in Beijing: the start of U.S.–China rapprochement”]
  • “Taking Identity Politics Seriously di James Clifford e la crescita dei partiti regionalisti in Europa [translation: “James Clifford’s Taking Identity Politics Seriously and the rise of regionalist parties in Europe”]
  • “Riflessioni su Lo scontro di civiltà? di Samuel Huntington” [translation: “Reflections on Samuel Huntington’s The clash of civilizations?”]
  • “La prospettiva internazionale nel pensiero di Montesquieu” [translation: “The international perspective in the thought of Montesquieu”]
  • “L’European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party: organizzazione, principi fondamentali, programma” [translation: “The European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party: organization, core principles, platform”]
  • “Sistema politico e partiti in Germania, 1990–2006” [translation: “Party system and parties in Germany, 1990–2006”]
  • “Famiglie politiche e partiti in Francia” [translation: “Political families and parties in France”]