Robert M. Solow and Daniel S. Hamilton, Editors



Today the Eurozone is in turmoil, beset by stresses and strains that could challenge Europe’s very construction. How did the current crisis come about, and how may it be resolved? And what does it mean for Europe’s historic experiment in political and economic integration? This book addresses these questions and offers invaluable perspectives for anyone attempting to understand the roots and continuing impact of Europe’s economic crisis.


List of Chapters:

Chapter 1 – European Macroeconomic Policy by Martin Neil Bailey and Natalie McGarry

Chapter 2 – European Heterogeneity and the Crisis: The Need for Good Macroeconomic Policy by Xavier Ragot

Chapter 3 – EMU’s Response to the North Atlantic Financial Crisis: Policymaking from Incompatible Views by Hans-Helmut Kotz

Chapter 4  – Monetary Crisis in a Less than Perfect Union by David Calleo

Chapter 5 – Rekindling the EU’s Economic Growth through Science and Innovation: Can the Europe 2020 Strategy Step Up to the Challenge? By John Gabriel Goddard

Chapter 6 – Europe’s Watershed Moment by Daniel S. Hamilton


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